Periolase lasers are used in performing a patented and FDA approved technique called Laser Assisted New Attachment Procedure (LANAP) which has been shown to regenerate a new periodontal attachment in patients with gum disease where the attachment is usually compromised or destroyed.

Laser Therapy

Advantages of Laser periodontal therapy:

Some advantages of laser periodontal therapy (LPT) utilizing the LANAP procedure include minimal post-operative pain, bleeding and swelling; reduced healing times, and reduced risk of infection just to name a few. Furthermore, there is increasing evidence which suggests that treating gum disease is not only important in preventing early tooth loss, but is also important in preventing other general health problems from developing.

Less painful and minimally invasive:

We are extremely pleased and excited to offer patients with gum disease a less painful and minimally invasive treatment option to conventional surgery. This development is especially significant when one takes into consideration the fact that at least 50% of the population has some form of gum disease which needs to be actively treated, and that 95% of these patients are not currently seeking treatment mainly due to procedural pain concerns.